Japanese Name: Takaishi Takeru
Digimon: Patamon
Voice Actor: Doug Erholtz
Japanese Voice Actor: Taisuke Yamamoto
Age: 12 (JPN)

An original DigiDestined from Digimon Adventure and is the younger brother of Matt.

T.K. grows a lot during the last years after his first adventure. He is 11 (5th grade) in the original version and 12 (7th grade) in the dub. At the start of April 2002, he and his mother moved to Odaiba, with T.K. attending Odaiba Elementary in the same class as Davis and his good friend Kari. Because he and Kari are already good friends, T.K. immediately becomes the rival (and sometimes friend) of a paranoid Davis. Like Kari, T.K. has a slight advantage compared to the new kids because he has had the most experience with Digimon.