Japanese Name: Yagami Hikari
Digimon: Gatomon (Tailmon)
Voice Actor: Lara Jill Miller
Japanese Voice Actor: Kae Araki
Age: 12 (JPN)

An original DigiDestined from Digimon Adventure and is the younger sister of Tai.

Kari grew a lot during the two 1/2 years between Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02; becoming more mature, perkier and braver. In place of her whistle, she now has a digital camera around her neck. She likes taking pictures, and in the dub, has quite a liking for teasing her friends. Because Davis has a crush on her, Kari often teases him by flirting with T.K., mainly in the dub only. In the dub, Davis has strong feelings for Kari, forcing Davis to act childish and confused, while Kari giggles at his mistakes. (In the original version, however, the crush was more toned down.)