Japanese Name: HIDA IORI
Digimon: Armadillomon (Armadimon)
Voice Actor: Philece Sampler
Japanese Voice Actor: Megumi Urawa
Age: 9 (JPN)

He is the youngest in the second season, but despite that he is very mature and thinks things through much like Izzy and admires Joe from Digimon Adventure.

He is partnered with Armadillomon. Despite being the youngest of the DigiDestined, he is the most serious, and always conducts himself with a maturity that is far beyond his age. A lot of his wisdom comes from his grandfather, Chikara Hida, who is also Cody's Kendo teacher. In the beginning, his world of view was very black-and-white, as befitting a child, which could lead him to be very stubborn and to be rather hard on people. Later on, throughout his adventures as a DigiDestined, he realised the error of his ways and gradually softened in nature, having understood that it was utterly impossible for reality and people to be as black-and-white as he once firmly believed them to be. He was voiced by Megumi Urawa (Japan) & Philece Sampler (English).